Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"Potty Time!"

So, as any efficient mother would do who is expecting her 2nd child, I had the great idea to potty train Anthony BEFORE the new little one arrive. So, I bought him a potty seat and step stool, fully believing that he would: #1 be interested at all in this, and #2 would be potty trained in just a few quick, painless hours. Well, my little son had different ideas... yes, he LOVES the potty seat. But boy, you best leave his pants ON when he's sitting on it or you'll get a teradactyl-like screatch from him!

So, I decided not to force the issue (fully realizing that he is only 18 months old!) and left the potty seat next to the big potty for the time being. (Okay, I'm about to brag like all mommies do, so be prepared...) My son is THE most adorable little thing on the face of this earth, and this just reaffirms my position! Look at the picture... he came out of the bathroom like this, all on his own! Mike and I almost peed on ourselves laughing so hard. So, despite all of my best laid plans, my son has found a new use for his potty seat... looks good ehh?


Tab said...


Your the best. Nana loves you so much. You show your mommy and daddy what potty seats are really for! You da man.

Sharae Peterson said...

He looks so adorable, I've been trying to convince bridger to use the potty as well. It's kind of working!

Mindy said...

That is too funny! It's amazing what children come up with! Good idea not to force potty time! Colin was over 3 before he was trained and he did it when he was ready and willing. That might be too late for you, but I've heard boys take longer...well and that's been my experience with two so far! Good luck!