Thursday, June 28, 2007

Computer savvvvy

Okay, I've taken the hint from my other "computer savvvy" friends and decided that this time I'm not only going to make a blog, but I'm going to keep up with it! You may have our old blog address, but just throw that one away and replace it with this one. In true Chasity fashion, I forgot the password and can't sign it... so as any pregnant-brain girl would do, I just made a new one! I don't have time to try to figure out the stinkin' password! So, bear with me... I'm going to try hard to keep this current so you can watch our little crazy man and our crazy baby grow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a ROCKIN' blog!
Tony is so cute on the cover.
And the Father-son photo is just adorable.